Blue Card Policy: Queensland Little Athletics has a member protection policy and regulations that are aimed at fostering growth and development of athletes in the organisation in a safe and nurturing environment. This policy is compliant with QLAA policies and State Government Legislation. The State Government Legislation [“Children and Young People Act (2000)] stipulates that all members of an organisation who are in contact with children, should have a “Blue Card”.
As a volunteer, it is free to apply for a blue card. Simply fill out the application form, print it out and bring it to our Blue Card Officer, along with the 2 necessary forms of identification stated in the forms (eg. drivers licence and medicare card). We will complete the ‘Organisation Details’ application form and submit it on your behalf. If you already have a blue card, please feel free to provide us with a copy and we will include it in our blue card register.
Here is a link to the blue card application form: