The committee volunteers at the Helensvale Little Athletics centre dedicate their time and expertise to support the club’s operations and supporting our young athletes with a valuable and enjoyable experience.
HLA Centre Committee Members 2024/2025 Season
- Centre Manager: Tracey Phillis
- Assistant Centre Manager: Michael Murray
- Secretary: Karen Viller
- Assistant Secretary: April Coles
- Treasurer: Deb Barrow
- Registrar: Rachel Watson
- Assistant Registrar: April Coles
- Recording Officer: Leanne Ralston
- Programme Officer: Sasha Rochford, Michael Murray
- Carnivals Officer: Michael Murray
- Equipment Officer: Nathan Cooper, Darren Schneider
- Fundraising Officer: Vacant
- Grants Officer: Vacant
- Uniform Officer: Deb Barrow
- Canteen Convenor: Deb Barrow
- Tiny Tots Co-Ordinator: Sasha Rochford and Club Captains
- Blue Card Officer: Karen Viller
- Head Coach: Tracey Phillis
- Assistant Coach: Sasha Rochford, Darren Schneider
- First Aid Officer: Deb Barrow, Sasha Rochford, April Coles
- General Committee Members: Thida Murray, Zoe Munro
- Junior Committee: Mia Watson
Life Members:
Leanne Handsaker (2006)
Steve Handsaker (2007)
Lyn Donnelly (2008)
Paul Donnelly (2008)
Heather Truskinger (2008)
Natasha Evans (2015)
- Tracey Phillis (2022)