Covid Advice
To ensure our season runs as smoothly and as safely as possible, please read the following Covid advice for athletes, spectators, volunteers and others 😃👍
To ensure our season runs as smoothly and as safely as possible, please read the following Covid advice for athletes, spectators, volunteers and others 😃👍
Firstly we’d like to congratulate all the Helensvale athletics who went to state relays. Their amazing sportsmanship and efforts did not go unnoticed. Congratulations to the U9 who attended their first states event! We’re so proud of you all. State Relays Best Performances yet to be ratified The following performances will be put to the…
Please join us in congratulating our new club captains for the 2020/2021 season. Congratulations to Indianna Brown, and for her second year, Maddison Barrow! Congratulations girls, you will be great leaders for our club. Thank you to Maddison Barrow and Johnny Booth for being the club captains for the 2019/2020 season.
** IMPORTANT STATES INFO – PLEASE READ ALL ** Hi state relay athletes, Below is some very important information about the State Relays this Saturday 12th December. STATE RELAYS – SAF, QSAC, Brisbane – Saturday 12th December – Kessels Road, Nathan, Mount Gravatt, QLD, 4111 PLEASE TURN UP: Importantly, and we can’t stress this enough…
The next round of FairPlay vouchers opens this Wednesday 21st July. You may be eligible for up to $150 for your athlete to be able to participate in sports and recreation. For more information, please visit:…/sports/funding/fairplay/apply
Helensvale Little Athletics Regional Relay Results
Unfortunately due to COVID-19 restrictions, the 2021 Tour has been cancelled. LAQ wishes to congratulate the following athletes that were selected: BoysJames Bulbert (West Bundaberg)Aidan Downie (Deception Bay)Lincoln Goodger (Biloela)Danny Kavanagh (Springwood)Zephyr Marlin (Redlands)Cameron Philip (Balmoral)Christian Smith (Tamborine Mtn)Caden Wyatt (Bargara) GirlsJemima Bainbridge (University of the SC)Lucie Basset-Rouge (Bracken Ridge)Ella Booker (Deception Bay)Indianna Brown (Helensvale)Zoe…