Coles Winter Carnival Results
To view the full set of results from the Coles Winter Carnival, please click here.
To view the full set of results from the Coles Winter Carnival, please click here.
To ensure our season runs as smoothly and as safely as possible, please read the following Covid advice for athletes, spectators, volunteers and others 😃👍
The Caboolture Little Athletics Twilight Carnival is coming up on Saturday 16th October 12noon-7pm. Nominations close 9am sharp Monday 11th October. Nominate via ResultsHQ:– Under 6 $8 for 3 events– Under 9 to Under 17 MC Athletes* $5 per event (Max 3 events) – Under 7 to Under 17 $5 per event or $20 for…
Helensvale Little Athletics is excited to announce that we’ve been awarded a grant through the City of Gold Coast‘s Community Facilities Grants Program! With their generous support, we’ve been able to purchase a defibrillator to ensure we’re prepared for any emergencies, and a new high jump mat trolley that will make it much easier for our…
This week, 18th-24th May 2020, is National Volunteer Week and we simply could not run little athletics without the dedication of our volunteers. You are all amazing, thank you! We have committee members, age managers and parent helpers that volunteer their time for our athletes.
Registration is NOW OPEN Complete your online registration and read through your welcome email for all the important information. Trial registrations are available for athletes who have not participated in little athletics before. FairPlay vouchers can be used for registration. Apply all vouchers to be used in the payment section while registering. Please email FairPlayvouchers…
Back On Track LAQ has created guidelines for Centres to return to Little Athletics during COVID-19 restrictions. Click here for more information